Become an Emotional Intelligence Expert

Level 1 EI Foundations
(one day)
This foundational course includes two classes: History, Development, and Current Issues in EI, and Developing Emotionally Intelligent Abilities.

Level 2 EI Professional
(two days)
This experiential lab class will involve interactive and interpersonal activities aimed to develop each participants’ EI. Personal reactions and emotional states will be examined for the purpose of understanding how emotions function.

Level 3 EI Expert
(one-year online)
The level III training in the ISEI certificate program prepares professionals to integrate emotional intelligence (EI) into their respective disciplines and to contribute to the EI field.
Have questions about our professional development offerings? Contact us at for the latest schedules and course pricing.
Certificate Workshops (Level 1, 2 and 3)
Professionals in educational, clinical and organizational consultation fields can received EI certification through ISEI. The workshops offer a blend of empirically-grounded knowledge of emotional intelligence models with experiential learning activities geared toward self-awareness and personal emotional development. Three levels of training are available that include the foundations of emotional intelligence models and abilities (level 1); assessment and intervention strategies (level 2) and specific applications tailored to your domain of expertise (level 3)
- Level 1 EI Foundations (one day)
- Level 2 EI Professional (two days)
- Level 3 EI Expert (one-year online)
Instructor: John Pellitteri, Ph.D. & ISEI faculty.
(For more information contact ISEI or
Level 3 (ongoing) one year intensive conducted on-line
(contact or John Pellitteri PhD at
Professional Training Certifications
Professional Certification Workshops are being offered through ISEI. Become an EI expert in your profession
The certificate workshops offer participants expert training in empirically-based knowledge of emotional intelligence, effective strategies/skills in EI-based interventions, as well as personal growth through experiential lab training in emotional awareness. The training is for professionals in the fields of (a) education, (b) counseling, therapy & clinical fields (c) organizational consultation & coaching and (d) management & leadership. Certificates will qualify participants to apply EI interventions in their respective disciplines.
The workshops are designed for those with basic and/or advanced knowledge in emotional intelligence and will teach foundation concepts as well as strategies specific to each area of practice. Participants will develop their own emotional intelligence as part of the training process as they learn to use EI strategies effectively in their work. ISEI IS NOW OFFERING A YEAR-LONG LEVEL 3 TRAINING PROGRAM IN EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE.
Level 1: One day workshop
Level 2: Two day workshop
Level 3: One-year on-line (monthly skype meetings)
Emotional Intelligence Foundations (6 Hours)
A. History, development and current issues of EI
This class will cover the current issues in EI. It will review the history and evolution of the concepts and present the major models (abilities, traits & competencies). Current challenges with conceptualization and measurement will be reviewed.
B. Developing EI abilities
This experiential lab class is designed to explore each of the four areas of the abilities model of EI. Participants will engage in experiential activities aimed to teach and to develop (a) emotional perception (b) emotional facilitation of thinking (c) emotional knowledge and (d) regulation of emotions. Development of these abilities will serve as a foundation for personal growth as well as for implementing EI strategies in professional settings.
Emotional Intelligence Interventions (15 hours)
C. Lab in emotional awareness training 1
This experiential lab class will involve interactive and interpersonal activities aimed to develop each participants’ EI. Personal reactions and emotional states will be examined for the purpose of understanding how emotions function. Our use of emotional information in professional settings will be explored. Strategies will be developed that will enable each participant to more effectively gauge and use his or her emotions in professional interventions.
D. EI Assessment methods for individuals and environments
This class will involve the use of EI assessment tools. Participants will be administered the MSCEIT and other EI assessments (prior to the class) and use the results to better understand their own EI. There will be a review and discussion of assessment principles in general and EI assessment in particular. Participants will become familiar with the major EI assessment methods and learn to incorporate an emotional lens to their assessment and evaluation procedures when working with individual, groups and systems. [Note: This workshop does not certify participants in for formal administration of the MSCEIT, EQi or ECI as formal training of these instruments must be obtained through the respective authors/publishers].
E. EI Strategies (General & discipline-specific)
This class covers general principles and strategies of using EI-based interventions in professional settings. Participants, through smaller group formats, will learn and develop specific strategies applicable to their own type of setting (educational, clinical, organizational). Case studies will be used and participants will analyze scenarios, apply assessment and strategies learned from previous classes.
F. Lab in emotional awareness training 2
This class will continue the interpersonal and group development through interactive activities focused on the experience of emotional processes.
G. Developing and implementing an EI Intervention plan
Participants will work with instructors individually and in small groups to each develop a specific intervention plan for their discipline (education, clinical, or consultation -organizational). Plans will be aimed at facilitating positive changes using EI principles and will be based on empirically grounded methods.
Approximately 3 hours of time are included in the level II -Advanced Certification program outside of the workshop. (1 hour for pre-workshop assessments and 2 hours are for post-workshop projects and supervision)
Level 3: EI SPECIALIST (One-year intensive sequence)
OVERVIEW of training
The level III training in the ISEI certificate program prepares professionals to integrate emotional intelligence (EI) into their respective disciplines and to contribute to the EI field. The training is offered on-line and utilizes a mentorship model. The sequence requires a one-year commitment with monthly skype meetings but can be extended to two years if necessary. Participants consult with the program director and /or individual mentors to establish their individualized work within the guidelines of the five components of the curriculum. The training is incorporated into students’ professional setting (in education, therapy, organizational consultation, coaching or other areas)
Students will have monthly meetings with their respective mentors to work on various projects and areas of study. The specific readings, written papers, goals and projects are individualized to the particular needs and interests of the student. Participants follow a sequenced curriculum that focuses on five main areas: (1) indepth studies of general EI theory, discipline-specific areas, and related areas of knowledge (2) issues and methods of EI assessment and evaluation (3) teaching and training strategies, (4) EI research and (5) personal EI development.
The training builds upon the foundations of the level 1 and 2 certificate workshops. In the 6-hour level 1 workshop, participants studied a model of emotional construction, learned the history and development of EI theory, compared the three major models (abilities, traits, competencies) and learned the 4 major sets of abilities from the Mayer & Salovey model through experiential activities. In the 2 day level 2 workshop, participants focused on assessment, intervention, and implementation of EI strategies as well as experiential activities to foster self-awareness and emotional attention.
The level 3 certificate training program involves a focused series of readings, activities, projects and practice within the context of professional work. The 1 to 2 year sequence under the supervision of an experienced EI mentor allows the student to incorporate EI more deeply into his or her discipline. Students will learn new strategies and approaches in EI, enhance their existing repertoire of EI interventions, and gain a deeper scientifically-grounded basis for the nature of EI approaches. Teaching EI is an important part of the training and upon completion level 3 professionals will be qualified to conduct the level 1 training for ISEI. Part of the student development at level 3 is to make a contribution to the EI field. This contribution could be some type of research project or program evaluation, designing one’s own EI curriculum or training program in your discipline, and /or promoting EI in some way (i.e. to an educational system or within a company, etc)
Personal growth is an essential part of being an EI professional. In this light, the student with the mentor will identify personal areas of emotional awareness and change and decide upon experiences to foster and facilitate growth in these areas. Student-to-student networks can be established with others in the level 3 training to offer support and growth during the year-long process.
I. In-depth Studies. Students will engage in ongoing readings in the following areas:
A. General EI theory – approved readings in EI theory, seminal writing in the field providing knowledge about current models, issues and challenges.
B. Discipline-specific knowledge– These readings are specific to your discipline (education, therapy, coaching, consulting) and extend your knowledge of how EI fits within your area of professional practice.
C. Related areas of knowledge – These readings will be drawn from various areas of knowledge in psychology and related disciplines and will enhance and expand your understanding of EI and its relation to others field so knowledge and practice.
Some readings will be assigned while others will be chosen in collaboration with your mentor. Readings will be based on your existing level of EI knowledge, your particular professional degree, and areas of need and interests.
II. EI assessment and evaluation. Students will consider their results of EI assessments that they have already completed (in Level 2 or at other times) and if necessary will take the MSCEIT. These results will serve the purpose of learning about EI assessment as well as enhancing self-knowledge (for curriculum area 5). Study of the different methods of EI assessment and evaluation will be addressed with attention to measures that are specific and relevant to the students’ discipline and practice.
III. Teaching and training strategies. Students will engage in some type of teaching that involves direct instruction of EI skills or strategies. In consultation with the mentor, the student will use teaching opportunities within their existing professional work, or create an opportunity to practice teaching EI. Practicing teaching and mastering the content of level 1 workshop will enable the level 3 professional to offer level 1 workshops if they choose.
IV. EI research. The student will examine current EI research studies and if desired can conduct a research study independently or in collaboration with others. If a student is currently engaged in research or program evaluation then this activity can become part of the level 3 projects. If it is not feasible or not part of the student’s professional activity, then the research component can take the form of a program evaluation or some type of EI assessment within the guides of your professional work or a critique of current research.
V. Personal EI development. In consultation with the mentor and/or program director, the student will engage in self-exploration to identify areas of desired personal growth. At the beginning of the training the student will choose particular areas for emotional development and establish goals (i.e. to become more assertive, less anxious, more emotionally perceptive, etc). The student (in discussion with the mentor) will then identify activities or experiences that can help him or her apply EI interventions to him or herself. Through periodic journals or other means, the student will track progress toward these desired goals of self-improvement.
Curriculum Area 1 (In-depth Studies): Students will write at least one and if necessary up to three papers demonstrating their knowledge of EI general theory, discipline specific knowledge and related areas. The format and depth of the papers will be decided upon by the students and mentor.
Curriculum area 2 (Assessment/Evaluation). Student will demonstrate knowledge and skills in EI assessment and evaluation through the completion of an assessment project. The format of this project will be decided upon between the student and mentor. The assessment project may include: an evaluation of a coaching client or psychotherapy patient, and assessment of EI in a group, an evaluation of a teaching program, etc. Depending upon the final project, the assessment practice may be combined or included.
Curriculum Area 3 (Teaching /Training): Students will engage in some type of teaching as part of their current professional work or as a special activity in the level 3 training. If feasible a video or audio recording of parts of the training could be evaluated by the mentor. Another alternative method could be feedback from the training participants along with a critical evaluation by the student of his or her teaching.
Curriculum Area 4 (Research). Student will produce a project that is a research study, program evaluation, or a critique of current research to demonstrate knowledge about EI and current research. The exact project will be agreed upon by the student and mentor and should ideally contribute in some way to the EI field or the students particular discipline.
Curriculum Area 5 (Personal growth). This area is an ongoing process and not subject to formal evaluation. The student however, will track progress toward personal goals through a journal or other means of feedback. An honest authentic self -evaluation will enable the student to extract meaning and personal change.
The student and mentor will communicate at least 1-2 hours per month through skype or other means to establish specific learning and goals and to track progress in all 5 areas of training. The established goals in each area will ideally be completed within one year. It is through the student-mentor relationship and the continuous guidance/supervision process that the student will deepen his or her understanding of EI and how it can be applied in the respective professional discipline. It is expected that the mentor will challenge the student to expand beyond current levels of professional practice and to explore new and creative ways to use EI.
The final project is based on one of the 3 curriculum areas: Evaluation, Teaching, Research (not written paper on readings or personal growth journals). Depending upon interest, needs, and professional goals, student will use one of these projects as a final project that makes a contribution to the field. The formal written description of the final project will be sent to the director and /or other ISEI board members in collaboration with the mentor for final approval to granting of the training completion.